Until 1976 the traditional technique has been used in plating. In that year it was launched Ovo Sodo, a 9.20 meter long racing sloop built in reed. From that moment on site have started to live two souls: the conservative Adriano De Cesari, who preferred the boards of planking, and an innovator born from the desire of his son, Pier Paolo De Cesari, to employ the lamellar and the epoxy resin.
Only the realization of the hardware, particularly furniture, electrical and upholstery is entrusted to outside firms while the engine is handled directly by the shipyard. The hulls are made with mahogany kaya dried for two to four years, teak matured for four to five years, emlock, oak, spruce and cherry purchased from local suppliers of Ravenna and Cesena.
The shipyard relies on the Milan firm of Fratelli Zanuso for the purchase of the lay-up: with their mahogany and teak for their excellent quality, both lumber and available in thicknesses from 3 to 8 mm, were built last our boats.